Health Education and Wellness Services

A variety of programs, sessions & events that help our clients help themselves.

Wellness Learning Sessions

One-hour sessions provide participants with general knowledge of personal health and well-being strategies and resources.  Topics include:

  • Communication in family life
  • Supporting the caregiver 
  • Marriage & relationships
  • Work effectiveness & professionalism in the workplace
  • Coping with change in the workplace
  • Time management
  • Sleep & restfulness
  • Eating for energy & healthy living
  • Managing stress

Health Skills Programs

These programs promote cognitive behaviour change through an adult education format.  They build psychological and interpersonal support skills and consist of half day and full-day learning events.  These events pertain to the following:

  1. Coping with change in the workplace
  2. Stress and resilience
  3. Resolving conflict
  4. Respect at work (1/2 day)
  5. Mental health and work (1 day)

Health Leadership Programs

These programs encourage cognitive and behaviour change through an adult education format. They build leadership skills for healthy and productive workplaces. Half day to three day learning events include :

  1. Wellness ambassadors program (two, ½ days).
  2. Health promoting management practices program (½ day)
  3. Building engagement and productivity through relationship development (3 days).
  4. The ROI of organization health (1 day)

Health Challenge Event

A flexible, web-based, health incentive program that promotes individual health practices through the workplace. An organization-wide event that motivates employees to engage in healthy habits such as being more active and adopting a healthier diet.

Custom Programs

Custom programs encourage education and skill development to meet specific needs (i.e. delivering bad news, performance management program launch, surviving change in our industry).