Workplace Support

Dealing with the context in which employees work - management practices, workplace culture and organization health policies and actions.

Our Workplace Support Services are aimed at advancing the health and productivity of workplaces through evidenced-based education, behaviour change, workplace development and health promotion.

Services are provided by Human Solutions™' Workplace Health & Development Group - a collection of talented professionals practiced in the application of the behavioural sciences to the health and productivity of employees and their workplaces.

Workplace Support Services mirror the growth of research and practice in the workplace health field  They help to:

  • Resolve workplace conflict and intervene into harm-producing work climates
  • Develop the resilience and achievement of workgroups
  • Select and develop managers who can support the productivity and health of workgroups
  • Build protective health habits and skills for individuals and groups
  • Ensure employees are fit to support the health and safety of the workplace

Workplace Support Services are part of Human Solutions™’ integrated approach to the health and productivity of organizations: directly supporting the health and well-being of employees, advancing healthy and constructive work environments, and reinforcing the organizational foundations for health and productivity.